Animesh Kumar & Utkarsh Sinha – Searchtrack – Inventus Capital

Animesh Kumar and Utkarsh Sinha seen pitching early-stage Startup Searchtrack – that allows publishers to compose guides on any subject while enabling users to learn in a way more relevant to today.

Animesh hopes the Startups will hit the sweetspot between a Youtube and a Wikipedia with their new more modern way to learn.

“Searchtrack is your home for easy, everyday learning. It’s a place for anyone to express their knowledge around a topic and for others to easily be able to learn from it,” says Animesh.

This young Startup conceived the idea in late 2015 when they had trouble researching topics they wanted to learn. “We noticed that while learning new things, it’s really easy to google and find links around a topic but it’s a pain to vet each of those links, build context via different sources and share your research with others. After trying several alternatives, we started to iterate our own solution.”

Passionate about solving this problem, the founders quit their jobs and decided to launch Searchtrack. Their product is in beta since April 2017.