Bhavya Ranpara & Gunjan Indauliya – Srotum – Ankur Capital

Founder Bhavya Ranpara​ pitching Gujrat-based Srotum – that is designing, patenting and manufacturing small captive power plants in order to generate clean energy.

The Startup is currently in the R&D phase.


Founder Gunjan Indauliya  was working for the Institute of Plasma Research (IPR) as a project scientist, ITER-India. One day while thinking about alternate renewable yet efficient energy sources she was stuck by a eureka moment. She quit her job and started working on the initial prototype of her idea. An unregistered PoC executed before pitching to Industrial Commissionerate, Govt. of Gujarat helped the team secure the initial funds – used for prototype development.

“Though the market of renewable energy is very large and is considered to be one of the most ever-growing and promising sectors, we intend to disrupt by taking small steps, thus for a start we are focusing on the captive power plant market,” says Gunjan.


Gunjan Indauliya​ – Co-Founder & CEO

Two master degrees, M.Sc. in Physics, Rajasthan University

Gold medallist, M.Tech. Nuclear energy, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

3 years, neutronics group of ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research

Manjul Indauliya​ – Co-Founder

Law professional, KIIT School of Law, Bhubaneshwar

3 yrs at legal process outsourcing (LPO) firm Quislex

Neeraj Das​ – Business Lead

9 yrs experience in multiple start-ups

Bhavya Ranpara​ – Market Analyst