Harsh G Balihallimath, Ehab Abdulla Fysel, Vraj Solanki – Da-Ding! – CIO Angel Network, Eagle10 Ventures, Individual Investor

Founder Harsh G Balihallimath pitching pre-seed Startup Da Ding! – a social media network that allows users of common interests to connect, learn and share.

website: http://www.dading.co.in/

“The core idea for ‘Da-Ding!’ was conceived while being stuck in one of Bangalore’s typical traffic jams. Scrolling through my social media, I realized that I would love to learn something instead of looking at others photos or posts. I struck up a conversation with my driver and he also agreed that he would love to learn English while waiting for rides throughout the day. On further brainstorming this with my friends we came up with an idea to help people connect while waiting in any situation. Many iterations and debates later ‘Da-Ding!’ was born!,” says Harsh.

On the basis of an intelligent cross rating system, the Startup categorizes the users of each interest/topic into the following: novice, amateur, advanced and SME (subject matter experts). It has other features like gamification, meet-up scheduler, ding Currency, chat bot and other monetary rewards/recognition items. The Startups plans to start with a community specific (company, society, university) subscription model and then move on to other business models.The startup is building its MVP and is about to launch. Proposed “ETA” – March’19. This young team has big ambitions. ‘Da-Ding!’ aims to be the largest social media company from India and hope to disrupt how people connect over the Internet.

Harsh G Balihallimath
Bachelors, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering Pune
Work experience: Ford Motors, Fipkart

Ehab Abdulla Fysel
Bachelors, Automobile Engineering, MIT Chennai
Work experience: Ford Motors

Vraj Solanki
IT Engineering, Nirma University
work experience: Todlers Den, Playment Inc