Praanesh – Qoruz – Chiratae Ventures

Founder Praanesh pictching Qoruz – a ‘revolutionary analytics engine for online influence monitoring and measurement’ that now offers brands a product to help them leverage influencer marketing channels. The parent company Datrux Systems is a Marketing services company and has 30 plus people operating out of Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore.

Datrux Systems was incorporated in February 2015 by Praanesh and Prabakaran B, his cofounder with the unique goal of structuring the booming ‘social media influence of people’ through technology and data science. The Startup found itself quickly working with top brands like Hyundai, Flipkart, PepsiCo, bootstrapping their way to launch Qoruz, a product in the space.

Praanesh B, CEO / Cofounder. Manages Ops & Partnerships
B.E. Aeronautics, Anna University, Chennai
Extensive Digital Marketing experience

Prabakaran B, CTO / Cofounder. Leads R&D and Technology
B.Tech. IT, Anna University, Chennai.
Extensive product building experience
Qoruz, their brain child, has been extensively applauded by leading Marketing Media.