Ishu Darshan & Shivansh Saini – Checkin

Founder Ishu Darshan is seen pitching Checkin – a B2B2C App Startup that enables a customer to dine-in remotely by pre-ordering food thus resulting in cutting down the waiting time at restaurants.


“Our mission is to make the service consistent every time a customer visits a restaurant and help them cut down waste of time involved in ordering, preparation of food and bill settlement. For restaurants, the platform is a channel for getting new customers and managing the entire customer cycle using a blockchain powered network,” says Ishu.

“Checkin aims to solve chaos at busy eateries. Many restaurants and hospitality venues continue to use outdated tools and technologies that are fast becoming redundant in today’s fast-changing world. They are stuck in a time warp of old-school reactive hospitality management by, for example, continually tweaking their menu to try and attract and retain customers and cut costs.”

Ishu Darshan, CEO Checkin
Btech in Mining, IIT(BHU)

Shivansh Saini, CTO Checkin

The founders list the following as their learnings:
1. Never exaggerate the problem statement
2. Focus on a one-touch idea.
3. Keep the product lean as much as possible