Rohit Asil, Vijay Raghav Varada & Raghav Sridhar –

Founder Rohit Asil pitching – that delivers custom parts to engineers and businesses, online.

“We started out of Manipal and built the Startup when we were pursuing our third year of engineering. Ever since we’ve navigated the business based on what our customers asked and needed most. We were the only Indian company in the entire world to 3D Print a functional wind turbine on the way to Antarctica and test the same in the Antarctican winds.
Our work indirectly saved few hundreds of lives via our “3D printed surgical planning tools”. We even set up the largest fully 3D Printed physical art installation called “Jhada” which was in display at Mumbai airport for a few months in 2019. We’ve, at Fracktal, built machines that serve customers across the country large and small, with our new idea we discovered new ways of impacting the manufacturing industry in a larger scale.” says Rohit.


Rohit Asil
Won TIE Lumis Entrepreneur excellence award, helped Godrej and Loreal senior management launch IoT hardware products. Runs software development, marketing and finance at Fracktal.

Vijay Raghav Varada
TedX Speaker, Author, Travelled to Antarctica to test a 3D printed wind turbine and push the limits of what 3D Printing can do. Takes care of product development at Fracktal.

Raghav Sridhar
Worked with auto giants like TVS and TATA motors in deploying 3D Printing in-house. Runs sales and marketing at Fracktal.

The Startup aims to “empower creation in every way possible”.