Krishnamoorthy Chandra & Ajai Singh – PrismoSearch

Founder Krishnamoorthy Chandra pitching PrismoSearch – an early stage search-as-service SaaS Startup for enterprises and ecommerce that can index data and search it intelligently and quickly.


“We aim to drastically make searching information at enterprises and websites intelligent, relevant, less complex and affordable for all, by democratizing the open source Elastic Search stack.” Says Krishnamoorthy.

He discovered a large unmet need – to be able to index and search structured and unstructured enterprise data – and believes that this gap is only going to increase with increasing amounts of data generated each year. While working at his previous job he saw teams struggle with building a simple and decent enterprise search application. What was built took a long time and was not adequate and had scalability and performance issues. This set him off towards building the initial idea for Prismo.

Krishnamoorthy Chandra
B.E. VNIT, Nagpur, M.Tech IIT( BHU )Varanasi
Ex HP, Oracle and Startups

Ajai Singh
B.Tech IIT (BHU), M.S Toledo (Ohio ) University
Consulting experience with NIH, Citibank, Bluecross