Dr.Sai Aslesh T – Stoned Monkey

Founder Dr.Sai Aslesh T pitching Stoned Monkey – a QSR that serves stone beaten sundaes with ice cream blends, hand crafted waffle bowls and contemporary flavors.

website: www.stonedmonkey.co.in

The Startup aims to introduce an ice cream culture in the country by offering innovative ice cream flavors served in a plush ambience.

Dr.Sai Aslesh T
CEO Stone Monkey

Dr.Lakshmi Raj
MD Stoned Monkey

“Every failure will teach you something else about how to succeed. Perhaps, our academics had a particularly strained relationship with failure. After losing a year in our bachelor studies, we could not bring ourselves to believe that it is okay to bloom late. We were challenged by ourselves, unsparingly self-punished despite the fact dawning on us that, ironically, it happened to the best of us. Like they say, the best success stories often begin with failure. That was precisely when we started exploring our special interest and the idea of a new business venture – Stoned Monkey came up. Being food lovers and passionate about venturing into less frequented roads we launched Stoned Monkey that serves exquisite stone beaten sundaes,” says Sai.

The Startup has already launched 10 outlets in Bangalore and has laid out an aggressive forward looking plan:
Project Velocity (A Growth Plan) :
• Create value for all of our stakeholders.
• Move fast and in a clearly defined direction.
• Serve more customers more often.
• special, delicious, indulgent food, served quickly
• from unmatched city scale In the years gone to an iconic national brand.
• open premium dessert stores across all Tier1 Tier2 cities by the end of 2021
As is evident, the Startup has large ambitions.