Connecting Ideas With Money – Arvind Narayanan – TechAgro

At the Connecting Ideas With Money session at Lounge47 that took place on the 7th of January 2022, founder Arvind Narayanan pitched TechAgro – an agricultural technology company that develops it’s own tech. It is their aim to use the same technology and becomeĀ  one of the best growers in the country and grow some of the finest vegetables.

TED talk:

“We are solving the supply issue in Indian vegetable market which is a supply driven market. Our pursuit is in bridging the supply demand mismatch and bring an element of consistency and predictability in Indian agriculture,” says Arvind. “The larger motivation to get into the field was to explore green technologies which lead us to sustainable food production. How to feed people, clean food at low price? We spent a decade crafting a solution that fits Indian consumer needs, Indian weather patterns, Indian financial and market conditions.

The Startup marries manufacturing and agriculture to become one of the most consistent and efficient growers/ producers or rather manufacturers of high quality zero pesticide and fresh vegetables year-round.


Arvind met cofounder Arun J Holla (an NIT Calicut alumni) at a workshop that taught soilless cultivation and hydroponics in December 2011. Arvind at the time, was a second year Bcom student pursuing CA and Arun had just quit his job as a production engineer at Ashok Leyland. They both knew that the growing technique they were there to learn could be the future for sustainable food production, not only for India but also for the world. The startup set out to follow their vision – to feed clean food to the masses. Jagannath K Holla, who took interest in the Startup’s purpose fueled the pursuit by being an early investor in the venture.