Connecting Ideas With Money – Rover C Joseph – Bendita Bionics

At the Connecting Ideas With Money session held on the 17th of June, 2022, founder Rover C Joseph pitched Bendita Bionics – a robotics startup registered in Kerala.


The startup identified that there is a lack of advanced bionic hands in India and imported bionic hands are very expensive selling from 15 lakhs to 45 lakhs. Besides, most upper limb amputees are limited to standard single-grip prosthetic hands.

The startup has built a bionic hand and reports having successfully completed its trial runs. It makes advanced bionic hands for people with upper limb differences.

Customers will be introduced to a prosthetic clinic that takes the mold of a residual limb. A wearable socket is made and the Bendita Bionics hand is then attached to the custom-made socket. This startup is at the MVP stage.

The startup has built a multi-grip prosthetic hand which has all the necessary features of an imported hand, and is affordable and accessible for everyone. The device is lightweight so that users can use the device with much ease. The user can choose the outer design of the device making it a personalized product.

“I love Engineering and have a huge interest in robotics technology. During the engineering course somehow I came to know about advanced bionic hands, more like a science fiction reality and these technologies were not available in India. All the advanced bionic devices were imported and were highly expensive. I like building machines, so why not build a better bionic arm which can dramatically change the lives of people with upper limb differences. After engineering, I went to my friend Ashik Ansary who is now the co-founder and presented him with the idea. Me and Ashik are friends from school days…14 years of friendship”.



Rover C Joseph – Founder, CEO-CTO

Electronic Engineering Graduate

Ex Web and Mobile App Developer


Ashik Ansary M – Co-Founder, CFO

Mechanical Engineering Graduate

Real-estate and used automobile business experience