Connecting Ideas With Money – Sam S Sivan – Techosa Edu Solutions

At the Connecting Ideas With Money session held on the 17th of June, 2022 founder Sam S Sivan pitched Techosa Edu Solutions – a Kollam-based Edtech startup. It is focused on K-12 engineering education and is at the seed stage.


App website:


“Techosa provides tomorrow’s learning today. Today’s educational system is unable to foster the 21st-century skills necessary for the K-12 student community and we intend to provide them through an ecosystem of STEM education, Robotics and AI labs, code-learning applications and ERP solutions,” says Sam.

In 2018, Techosa was established as a sole proprietary company and successfully implemented robotics labs in 12 CBSE schools in Kerala where it could directly address and train 18,000+ students. In 2019, the 1st student-made AI-capable robot, TESSA, was presented at the WDF National conference. They received the URF Asian record in 2020 for creating 121 robots by school students in real-time in just 15 mins. Even when the pandemic hit and the startup lost 50+ school agreements, they were able to provide free online technical training to CBSE schools all over Kerala. 

“The 20th century’s kids created wonders through their listening skills but the kids of this century are dedicated learners through visual media. From an early stage, they have been developing self-learning abilities by accessing the world of the internet but still are being spoon-fed by the system. We have developed an e-learning mobile application, CodeX infinity, which provides interactive classes at an affordable price of Rs. 499 per month to enhance the logical and cognitive skills needed for this technological era. A place where the K-12 students can learn, create and share their ideas through a social community called the CodeX community league where the value of limit to their idea is infinity,” says Sam.


Techosa has a team of 53, that includes experienced academics, young and aspiring engineering graduates and psychologists who are more skilled than their qualifications and are passionate about achieving a greater vision.

Founder: Sam S Sivan

BE (Electrical & Electronics Engineering), Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Diploma in Robotics

Anna University (Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology)

4 years of work experience (Administration, Engineering, Construction, Technical Education & Teaching)