Connecting Ideas With Money – Sanket Sarkar – Zeron

At the Connecting Ideas With Money session, that took place on the 29th of July, founder Sanket Sarkar pitched Zeron – an AI based SaaS-on-premise hybrid cyber security posture management solution helping organisations to quantify their cyber risks.

“You must have heard about the Aadhar Data Leak which was a result of a lack of threat-monitoring and threat-hunting. There are similar cases in the media industry as well, where the content creators are always at risk of their content piracy. In the healthcare sector, the data if breached can be used to release a bio weapon war. Talking about the BFSI sector what do I say? Everyone cares about their money, even people who do not care about cyber security do care about losing money,” says Sanket.

The revenue model used is a subscription-based model, wherein there would be three categories alongside a custom solution. The revenue model would be based on the endpoint slabs. The smallest ticket size would be ~$600 and the average monthly ticket size per account would be $2500.


Sanket Sarkar
Entrepreneurship, Wharton School
ISO 27001 Lead Auditor, Cyber Security Expert
Intel AI Certified, Microsoft Technology
Associate, Splunk Certified, HPE Certified, Member
of DSCI Kolkata Chapter.

Snehanjan Chatterjee
Student, ML, Stanford Online
Ex Marketing, Sales & Management, CSKSRC
Educator in Cyber Security & Developement, NiiT
Intel AI Certified, Microsoft Technology Associate
Java, Python, Computer Network Security Professional
V 4.1 Founder & CEO

Santosh Kumar Jha
PCI DSS Auditor, Certified Ethical Hacker
Ex-TCS, Ex Educator at AspireVision, Cyber Security
Researcher and Trainer at CSKSRC, Intel AI
Certified, MTA certified in Networking, Security
Python, Fortinet Certified, AWS Certified, Member at Data Security Council of India

Swarnali Singha
Student ML, Stanford Online
PGDDS from IIITB, Ex-Capgemini, Former Security Researcher at CSKSRC, Intel AI Certified, Microsoft Technology Associate,
Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, Business Strategy.