Connecting Ideas With Money – Accetion – Subrata Das

At the Connecting Ideas With Money session that took place on the 10th of March, 2023 founder Subrata Das pitched Accetion – an innovative AI firm, transforming the way future businesses will use Artificial Intelligence. The startup is currently working to automate manual invoice processing for a variety of industries, such as e-commerce, manufacturing, logistics and insurance. The startup is at the early revenue stage and was incorporated in July 2018

“Rather than focusing on problems, we would like to use AI potential to bridge the gap and create new services in under-served areas…verticals, such as reducing food waste… through accurate demand forecasting,” says Subrata.

“ACE Plus…Intelligent Invoice Processing is an AI-driven SaaS product that enables accurate data extraction, verification of business rules, elimination of duplicates and the export of data back to the customer’s financial system. Furthermore.. ACE Plus presents a daily report of pending payments and provides a variety of pre-built connectors for upstream and downstream integration with no coding involved.”

The founders have been social entrepreneurs for a decade and are driven to use AI to bring about social impact.

The founders met at a social event and since have been working together on various social causes.

Subrata Das, CEO

Virander Sirohi, CTO
Mumbai University