Connecting Ideas With Money – Soumyya Mehta- Magnifico

At the Connecting Ideas With Money session that took place on the 11th of April, 2023 founder Soumyya Mehta pitched Ahmedabad-based Magnifico – that manufactures wood coatings and epoxy resins and sells it in B2B and D2C formats, in India and across the world. The startup is currently scaling.


“We are solving a major environmental and personal health issue by addressing the toxic chemicals that are used in the $10 Billion wood coatings industry. We have introduced our proprirtery formula that easily replaces the current 99% toxic industry and is eco friendly and non toxic and without any use of plastics.” says Soumya. “I was founding a project in a Ahmedabad landfill site for SWM with a team and that’s when I realized the major environmental problem associated with using plastics and toxins.”

Soumya Mehta, a single founder is an engineer and a designer. He leads a team.