Connecting Ideas With Money – Aicade – Pushkar Kumar

At the “Connecting Ideas With Money” session held on the 18th of May at 4:30 PM, founder Pushkar Kumar pitched his startup, Aicade.

Aicade, based in Delhi, is a generative AI-powered game creation platform at the MVP stage. It simplifies game development by enabling users to create games or gamify content with just text input, akin to “Canva” but for games.

Problem being solved: Game development is complex, requiring significant skills and resources, creating a barrier for many potential creators.

Solution: Aicade’s user-friendly platform, powered by advanced Text-to-Game AI, allows users to transform game ideas into functional games quickly and cost-effectively, democratizing game creation for everyone from hobbyists to enterprises.

Why This Idea: While generative AI has revolutionized content creation, game development remains challenging. Despite 42% of the world playing games, few can create them. Aicade bridges this gap, making game creation accessible and efficient.

Journey So Far: An MVP that enables the creation of 2D casual games in approximately 2.5 minutes has been developed, with positive feedback and early validation from users.

The Team:

  • Pushkar (Founder): Ex-BCG consultant, with experience in building a $500m product.
  • Pranay (Product Development): Ex-VR startup founder with expertise in game audio.
  • Sangrish (AI & Robotics): Major in AI & Robotics, specializes in coding LLMs and AI.
  • Kaustubh (Game Development): Experienced AI engineer and game developer.

For more information, visit Aicade.