Atul Thakkar & Vidhya Thakkar – HappyPerks – Lead Angels, XSeed Partner & Nu Ventures

Founder Atul Thakkar pitching pre-seed HappyPerks – that has built an employee reward and recognication platform that enables corporate employers to easily and effectively reward their employees by giving them the freedom to choose their perks and rewards.

“Happyperks gives complete freedom to corporate employees to choose their own perks and spend their bonuses wherever and whenever they want without worrying about the expiry date,” says Atul. “Happyperks has made lives easier, both for corporate employers, employees and HR management, all in one single click via one user-friendly online platform. The comprehensive portal allows for full-fledged HR management with modern rewarding systems Like e-wallets, MasterCard Powered PrePaid cards and innovative tools that boost employee engagement.”

The passion of the team comes from wanting employees that work hard to be recognized and rewarded. The Startup is after the sizable Corporate Gifting Marketing.