Mr. Swapnil Deopurkar who will talk about “The Art of Pricing for an Online Business”. Mr. Deopurkar has worked for some of the toughest and most successful online businesses – Amazon & Expedia. He has managed critical areas of their business such as pricing & promotions for Amazon and Business development for Expedia. In addition, he has also worked in product and online marketing roles at (video streaming) and (P2P microfinance). Mr. Deopurkar holds an MBA from the Univ. of Michigan and an Engineering degree from Mumbai University. He is currently launching his very own Starup – Yemple, a cloud based, mobile first, SAAS product.
As many entrepreneurs and small businesses are vying for a slice of the online market, whether for unique or boutique products or services, this presentation promises to be insightful.
“The Art of Pricing for an Online Business” gave entrepreneurs many insights – taken from experiences at Amazon & Expedia. Successful pricing requires strategy and then a lot of tactical follow-through to stay on top of the game. Another important element to consider is regulatory scrutiny that scans for violations of price-fixing laws and the perception of being unfriendly to small business. The importance of customer trust, and the 4 common myths were explained and discussed with the audience.